Director: Gregory Hoblit
Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Ryan Gosling
Year: 2007
Gosling was the reason I picked this one. I love Gosling. And no, not because of "The Notebook" either... he's is such a saturated actor. You see him as the character, unlike Jolie and Clooney, who, try as they might (although Clooney DID succeed in 'Michael Clayton'), can't put their personal aura down.
The film was tight, but the suspense was lacking compared to Hopkins other thrillers like 'Silence of the Lambs.' But maybe it's just because I still have Affleck's 'Gone Baby Gone' running through my head. Now THAT is suspense and surprise.
But bravo to Gosling for his superb performance, and kudos to the inventor of those creepy ball machines Crawford has all over his place... I mean, yeah they were NEAT, and the director did use them quite well in the opening credits... but they give you an involuntary shudder.
Another film down!
Rate: 5/10
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