Starring: Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brain Geraghty
Year: 2009
I have generally avoided war films focusing on the current ongoings in Iraq. The politics give me a bad headache. But this one isn't about Washington like "Lions for Lambs." And it isn't exactly a film of heroism as much as it is about the humaness and skill of the men on the front.
I was immediately drawn to the fact that I could see everything around the focal point of the camera, as if I had a perfect 360 view... there wasn't a single corner missing in some of the most intense scenes. Also impressive was the perfection of watching a bomb blow up and seeing the effect it had on dust particles on the hood of rusted cars. I wish I had seen this in the theatre... I am sure the experience would have been priceless. The only other film that had me feeling like this is "Rendition," also a work of perfection visually.
All three major actors played their part well, resonating with the character in thought, expression, blood and sweat! Renner's was a face to see in front of a row of cereal boxes.
See it! It will not disappoint.
Rate: 8/10
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